VNPT Technology Labour Conference 2021

Company News | Apr 14, 2021

Attending the conference, more than 100 delegates representing the Back-office, Sales, Deployment, R&D, and Manufacturing divisions listened to the Report of production and business activities in 2020 and the mission in 2021, the Report of Company Trade Union activities in 2020 and the mission in 2021, the Report of the People's Inspection Committee activities in 2020 and the mission in 2021. The delegates also listened to the report on construction and revision progress of the Labor Regulation, the Democracy at the grassroots level; discussed and voted on the amendment of the Labor Regulation and the Grassroots Democracy Regulation.

Mr. To Manh Cuong - Member of the Board of Directors, General Director of VNPT Technology gave the opening speech at the conference

In 2020, despite the difficulties that many businesses have faced due to Covid-19 pandemic, VNPT Technology still has remarkable growth rate. Accordingly, the company's total revenue reached 1,711 billion, profit reached 44.6 billion. Average labor productivity by revenue reached 2.1 billion VND / person / year. Average income of employees in 2020 reached 16.6 million / month (staff 24.1 million / month, workers 8.2 million / month). The company always puts the guarantee of benefits for employees first. 100% of employees are paid for social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance as well as got annual health check-ups. Every year, the company conducts factory environmental tests with all parameters meeting the prescribed standards. All employees of the company are disseminated and instructed on OSH regulations at the workplace. In particular, in 2020, due to the complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic, the Board of Directors and the trade union of the company gave timely instructions to protect the employees' health such as: deploying temperature measurement, requiring frequent hand washing with soap / antibacterial water, keeping a distance of 2m. The company also provides masks for all employees for free. The company is also the first unit to make a dining table with a drop partition in the canteen….

Mr. Le Hai Ly - Deputy Head of Human Resources Department of VNPT Group speaking at the Conference

Speaking at the conference, on behalf of the leaders of VNPT Group, Mr. Le Hai Ly - Deputy Head of Human Resource Department of the Group acknowledged the successes in production and business activities of VNPT Technology in the past year. Not only overcoming difficulties to complete the business targets, the company still ensures all the best conditions for employees. Mr. Le Hai Ly also said that it is expected that in 2021, the Group will implement a new labor law, change some regulations. On that basis, the Group will together with VNPT Technology to adjust the new regulations. So that the changes are consistent with the current situation of the company, creating the most favourable conditions for employees to work and dedicate, at the same time, ensuring the rights and benefits of employees of VNPT Technology.

Mr. Tran Huu Quyen - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Directors of VNPT Technology
answered questions of employees at the Conference.

Also at the conference, many questions and recommendations of employees such as regulations, working hours, salary and bonuses, overtime regulations ... were timely answered by the Board of Directors and Trade Union./.

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