VNPT Technology makes an effort to prevent and control Covid-19 pandemic

Company News | May 13, 2020

Make an effort to prevent and control Covid-19 pandemic, with the slogan "Everyone is an anti-pandemic soldier". In recent days, we were overcoming the difficulties that many enterprises were facing, more than 1,100 officials, engineers and employees of VNPT Technology who have been drastically handling this important task.

From the beginning of the pandemic, VNPT Technology was implementing the guidelines of the Party, the State, the Instructions of the Ministry of Information and Communications as well as thoroughly grasping the spirit of the Prime Minister, The National Steering Committee on COVID-19 Prevention and Control, the Ministry of Health was strengthening effective prevention and control measures, VNPT Technology Company has actively developed plans to respond to each level of Covid-19 pandemic at its unit. Our company also immediately implemented pandemic prevention and control measures at its headquarters at 124 Hoang Quoc Viet, Electronics Factory No. 2 in Hoa Lac and its affiliates. In order to implement the pandemic prevention and control smoothly and consistently, the company has also established a Covid-19 Prevention and Control Steering Committee led by the Deputy General Director - Chairman of the Labor Union. Moreover, in order to mutually agree to the guidance, its affiliates also quickly established pandemic prevention and Control Steering Committee.

Employees of the company must measure the required temperature before starting work

Our highest goal was to ensure the health of employees, the pandemic prevention and Control in our company was implementing seriously and methodically, in accordance with the regulations of the healthcare industry. Specifically, all employees must be measured their body temperature before starting work. Particularly, for guests who were coming to work, in addition to measuring their body temperature, they would be required to wear a mask, declare medical information at company's reception and security. Our company also temporarily stopped to work with our foreign partners.

The company issues medical masks and antibacterial cloth masks for all employees


Định kỳ trụ sở làm việc của công ty đều được vệ sinh sạch sẽ bằng dung dịch sát khuẩn cloramin B và hàng ngày các bề mặt, đồ vật, thang máy được vệ sinh, khử khuẩn
Periodically, the company's working offices are cleaned with chloramine B disinfectant solution and surfaces, objects and elevators are cleaned and disinfected daily.

Company also provided medical masks in three periods and antibacterial cloth mask in one period that can be used for all employees and required to wear mask in elevators, public places, crowded places. Our employees were also required to wash their hands frequently with antibacterial soap/water, they would keep their distance 2m. Our company also deployed the partition examination room to examine and consult common diseases. Our company's offices were cleaned periodically with Chloramine B antiseptic solution and surfaces, objects and elevators were cleaned and disinfected daily. The company was also the first company to build a mica partition dining table in the cafeteria and to divide the food tray, instead of using the shared tray as before. After working hours, the areas such as meeting rooms, cafeterias would be strengthened to use newly installed ultraviolet lights to disinfect and prevent the pandemic.

The situation of the Covid-19 pandemic became more complicated, the Vietnam in general and Hanoi in particular discovered many new cases, the Covid-19 Steering Committee of VNPT Technology Company daily announced and updated the health of its employees. Currently the company has not discovered the case of F1. F2 and F3 cases are recommended to be isolated at home. The period of isolation is 14 days from the last day of exposure to an infected case or suspected case. The company also required its employees to install, regularly declare health and update pandemic situation on the NCOVI application. Thus, the company will send transparent information about the pandemic status, the relevant employee to the management department and VNPT Group.

From March 23, 2020, in order to reduce the employee's density at the company but still ensure work efficiency, our company allows 30% - 50% of employees in departments to work online at home.

Thoroughly grasping the spirit of Instruction No. 16 of the Prime Minister, the General Director has directed its sub units and affiliates to strictly implement urgent measures to prevent and control pandemic; implement social distancing; make specific work plans for each department and individual from April 1 to April 15 and after April 15 to April 30.

Along with the strict implementation of the pandemic prevention and control measures under the direction of the Board of Directors and the Covid-19 Prevention and Control Steering Committee, the labor unions and youth unions of VNPT Technology also had many practical activities such as wore face masks, used refined salts and antiseptic solution to fully provide all employees and labor union members; we bought and supported 2.1 tons of watermelon for farmers in Binh Son district, Quang Ngai province...Particularly, with the message "VNPT's youth makes an effort to control the Covid-19 pandemic", 100% of the company's union members installed and implemented to simultaneously access to NCOVI application, then shared it on Facebook for everyone. Moreover, we have participated with Vietnamese to fight the pandemic, all employees sent messages via the National Humanitarian Portal or donated through the bank account of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

The Covid-19 prevention and control of VNPT Technology has been effective because the implementation solutions which are methodically directed and agreed by VNPT Technology to its affiliates. We were participating with the authorities in pandemic prevention and control which was not only to protect ourselves, to protect our relatives but also our responsibility to the community. Our employees' supportive contribution to Vietnamese and the Covid-19 prevention fund had been small but it was practical and humane actions with the spirit of "No one is left behind in the battle against Covid-19”. VNPT Technology always participated with Vietnamese, doctors and soldiers to fight the pandemic and to keep the belief when Vietnam would win the pandemic.






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